Advocacy Services

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24/7 Hotline: Call 911 if there’s an emergency before calling us. Speak to an advocate 24/7, 365 days on our emergency hotline at 888-560-6027. Advocates can come meet you and provide crisis intervention.

Crisis Intervention: Advocates intervening to provide caring empathetic services in moments of unease.

Information & Referrals: If there is a service we do not provide we can help direct you to the proper help & find other resources. Advocates can also explain New Hopes services and if a certain case may require something out of the scope of New Hope services such as assistance from an attorney.

Protection Orders: Civil orders most often referred to as “Restraining orders” that are a part of safety planning and can provide legal protection from an abusive partner, family member, stranger, or friend.

Safety Planning: Plan made to enhance safety of a client. Step-by-step advice on how to reduce safety risks. Advocates provide counseling on ways to keep clients safe such as having a “go bag” (Bag with essential items to help client in the event client needs to get up and go at a moment’s notice.)

Youth Homeless Advocates: Help with clients in the age range of 12-24 with advocates trained to reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness in Grant & Adams counties. YHDP advocates support youth to find stable housing and provide assistance with essential items needed.

Support Groups: Meetings with other survivors of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault that go over a curriculum to teach healthy coping mechanisms and providing group activities on a weekly basis.

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We've got a great way for you to show your support of New Hope and Kids Hope! We've implemented a Point and Pay link to donate online! All proceeds stay local and support those in need. Click here: #NewHope #KidsHope #GivingBack ... See MoreSee Less
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